Our advantages


Launch your website

Advertise your site and get single visits and clicks per day

Phishing Detect

Earn money through your site

Boost your profits by placing our ad code Traffic is calculated automatically once banner ad codes are placed

Smart Scan

We target all countries of the world

Our ads are displayed to all countries of the world without exception


  • We accept all sites
  • Payments are made instantly to - Litcoin ( LTC )
  • Ban anyone who manipulates the source of visits and clicks
  • It is preferable to place the ad code in places visible to the visitor
  • Publisher Traffic is calculated once the ad code is placed
  • Ad code is tracked on a daily basis
  • Take a look inside


  • We have 3 Advertising Packages
  • We offer you our very special prices
  • We have single visits, high quality clicks
  • Deposit is accepted once you contact us via mail
  • Safe and reliable

    Advertiser prices

    3 Months package

    $ 100

    • 3 ads sizes
    • 468x60
    • 728x90
    • 160x600

    12 Months package

    $ 400

    • 4 ads sizes
    • 468x60
    • 728x90
    • 300x250
    • 160x600
    • Pop Ads

    6 Months package

    $ 200

    • 3 ads sizes
    • 468x60
    • 728x90
    • 300x250


    Safe and reliable
    Total payments in Litcoin ( )
    Payment is made instantly.
    Footer Design